Thursday, March 28, 2013

life in abundance.

Easter is approaching, as is the first anniversary of my (hello cheesy) “call to ministry.”

I still remember sitting in church, admiring the leadership in front of me, thinking to myself- “I want to be like that.” Then, as God frequently does with me, a question popped into my mind; it was as though my thoughts were a piece of paper, and this was written down.

“Well, why don’t you? Why don’t you become like that?”

That opened up a whole book of questions. Why not? I have always been involved in church, from helping my mom in the nursery to greeting people as they walked in the door… Religion and culture have always been an interest of mine, as well as being part of a healthy community. Furthermore building a healthy community outside the church walls has always been something I’ve cared about.

Church has evolved for me. Once a place of only worship and learning, now to a new dimension. A breathing community, a land of questions.

Deep down, I believe that God created the universe, and God created man.
God wants our love, though he wants it willingly, without fear. Therefore, he sent his only son, to know the intimate struggles of humanity, and to die an innocent man, so that the choices which separate us from God would no longer be an issue.

We are pursued by a God who knows us inside and out. When we come to full recognition of his sacrifice, our challenge is to go out and bring this hope to those who feel hopeless. As we have been helped, we are called to help. We are called to feed, we are called to clothe, and we are called to love others.

As we approach this Easter, how about we remember so much more than simply the sacrifice; how about we remember the why. Death for life, not life limited and fearful, but life abundant. Not only life outside of this existence, but a whole life now.

John 10:10, AMP

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